Happy June! I can’t believe we are almost halfway through 2017.
If you read my post yesterday, you know that I set a bunch of goals for May that I didn’t really accomplish. I contemplated not making any goals for June, but I decided I needed some purpose and intentions for this month.
For June, I tried to make a few “fun goals.” Self-discipline goals are great, but we should have other goals as well!
- 100 Burpees per day
- I really wanted to do this in May, but I broke my toe and couldn’t really jump or do planks. I want to challenge myself to this again because I think burpees are a really good way to get the blood pumping!
- Intermittent Fasting
- I have been doing a ton of research in the past couple weeks on this, and I am already giving it a try (I am currently on Day 3). I am fasting for 16 hours a day and eating in an 8-hour window every day. The fasting basically means no calories. So the only thing I am able to have during the fasting period is water and coffee (black coffee).
- This is supposed to help with fat loss since your body will have to rely on fat for its energy source.
- Try a low-carb, high fat diet
- This ones goes along with the above, but I have been reading a lot more about the Keto Diet. The is a diet where you eat no more than 20g of net carbs per day. About 70% of your daily nutrition should come from fat.
- So, a typical day would be something like: eggs/bacon for breakfast, avocado and nuts for lunch, salmon and some veggies for dinner with a little cheese.
- I have seen several people have major success on this program, so I am going to try it out.
- Start and finish a book
- I never get around to reading a book, so I am going to make it a priority. We are spending so much time by the pool, so why not bring a book out there with me? I have about 5-10 books in my bedroom that I have been wanting to read, so I just need to do it!
- Clean Garage
- I think this is more of a goal for Alex, but we really do need to do some garage organizing and cleaning.
- Swim Laps once a week
- I used to be on swim team for several years, so I actually really enjoy swimming laps. I know it is exercise, but I actually find it quite calming. It kind of frees your mind of everything because you aren’t able to do anything else (no phone, no music, no nothing).
- Try something new in Houston
- I really just want to explore the city more with Alex!
- Device Free Nights
- Once a week, I want to do a device free night at home. Alex and I tried this a couple of times and it was so refreshing! Instead of being on our phones and computers, we were forced to spend quality time together. Even though we always think we are spending time together, we really aren’t because we are so connected to our devices.
- Complete another woodworking project
- We already have the plans and the materials for our next woodworking project, so stay tuned! I can’t wait to share the end result.
- No negative comments/thoughts about myself
- I am really hard on myself when it comes to my body. On a daily basis I say things like, “Why am I so fat?” or “Why am I so bloated?“
- It honestly isn’t productive to say things like this, and I think it just annoys whoever is around me. Even if I am fat, I don’t think people need to hear you saying things like this. I really need to put an end to this and accept my body for what it is and how it looks in that moment.
I am feeling good about this list, and I think this is much more doable that my goals last month.
I thought about trying the “1 night out per week” goal again, but I know us. We won’t do it. We are going to end up going out at least 2 nights a week, and that’s okay. We don’t have kids, we don’t have that many responsibilities, so we want to have fun! Happy hours are just part of who we are and what we like to do.
Do y’all have any goals for June? What are you most excited for this month?
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