Happy Monday! I don’t know what the heck happened over the weekend, but I felt like winter was trying to make a return. I heard there has been snow all across the north, so I am sure most of us are wondering if spring will ever come.
I have decided to ignore the cold temps and proceed with my summer wardrobe anyways. I am so sick of wearing jeans and sweaters, so you will find me in a sundress from now until December!
I frequently get questions on where I purchase my dresses or where I found a certain dress. I kind of shop all over the place, but some of my favorite places have been The Impeccable Pig and Altar’d State.

I had a few minutes to spare last night, so I rounded up a few cute spring/summer dresses – all under $40! I do not like to spend much on my dresses because I tend to only wear them a year or two.

Anyways, I hope that helps to give you some ideas for a spring wardrobe! I am hoping that this past weekend was the final cold front for the year since it is almost mid-April.
I hope y’all are having a great start to the week! Stay tuned for a few more blog posts throughout the week.

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