Happy Friday! I can’t believe we made it through a full-week. I don’t think I have had a “normal” 5-day week since 2017.
Anyways, it’s been awhile since I have done a Friday Favorites! I thought it would be fun to bring back this series on the blog because it is fun to share what I have been loving lately. I usually share products that I have ordered lately and products that I would recommend to others.
- BC Balancing Facial Oil
- I have been wearing my Beautycounter Balancing Facial Oil every night before I go to bed. With the weather being so dry, I need something to keep my skin hydrated at night. This oil has been amazing in terms of keeping my skin moisturized and balanced. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like I have a more even skin tone! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is looking to even their skin tone and keep their skin hydrated.
- To order – click here!
- I have been wearing my Beautycounter Balancing Facial Oil every night before I go to bed. With the weather being so dry, I need something to keep my skin hydrated at night. This oil has been amazing in terms of keeping my skin moisturized and balanced. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like I have a more even skin tone! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone who is looking to even their skin tone and keep their skin hydrated.
- BC Balancing Facial Oil
- Measuring Cup Set
- We have had the same measuring cups for 6 years. I think we were using a set that Alex got when he graduated from college. We had lost several measuring cups along the way and a few ended up down the disposable, so we finally pulled the plug and bought new ones! We got this entire set on Amazon for $10. You get everything from 2 cups all the way down to 1/32 tsp. I don’t know if we will ever measure anything that small, but we will certainly try!
- Measuring Cup Set
- Earrings
- I had to run into Target the other day and like always, I walked out with a few bonus items. I saw these earrings and just had to have them! Aren’t they so cute?! And they are only $13!
- Earrings
- Sunglasses
- Similar to above, I was in Target and accidentally walked out with a new pair of sunglasses. This style seems to be somewhat trendy and I love mirrored sunnies, so I thought I would try them out. They are only $15, so if you are looking to snag a cheap pair of sunglasses, check Target!
- Sunglasses
- Amazon Bed Sheets
- Just like the measuring cups, our bed sheets were getting a little old and worn. We decided to get new ones and we found this set on Amazon. They are only $25, but you would think they would have cost $100. They are so soft and comfortable. I also like them because they don’t make you super warm – there is nothing worse than being hot when you are sleeping. If you are in need of a new set of sheets, I would highly recommend this brand.
- Amazon Bed Sheets
- Shein Dresses
- We are headed to Palm Springs in a couple of weeks, so I was on the hunt for a few new sundresses. I hate spending a ton of money on my wardrobe, so I came across this website called ‘Shein‘. Now, I have heard some mixed reviews of their products, but I really wanted to give them a try myself. I ordered 3 different dresses from them for $45! I haven’t received them yet, but I will be sure to keep you posted when they arrive. I am really hoping they work out. I have a few of the dresses linked below.
- Shein Dresses

Have y’all tried any of these products? If so, what are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you!
Anyways, I hope y’all have an amazing weekend! 🙂
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