I’m about a week late, but I thought I would do a quick post on a few of my 2018 Resolutions. I typically don’t make too many resolutions because I prefer to set more monthly and weekly goals. Splitting my goals up by month or even by the day helps me to better achieve the goal.
Despite all of that, I still wanted to set a few overarching 2018 goals.
- Travel more
- Our main goal this year is to travel as much as we can. We are still young, we don’t have kids and we have the means to travel. So, instead of spending money on a new purse or clothes, we are choosing to travel instead. I am firm believer in spending money on experiences rather than things.
- Re-Learn Spanish
- We are headed to Spain in May, so I want to brush up on my Spanish before the trip. I took Spanish in high school, but I never put it into practice. Alex is fluent in Spanish since he lived in Madrid for 6 months, so I want to learn the language as well. I am sure it will take more than a year to learn the language, but I have to start somewhere!
- Make the bed every day
- This is so simple. It makes me feel so much better when our bed is made each day. There are really no excuses to not have it made.
- Read 30 minutes per day
- I am a terrible reader. I actually hate reading. I don’t like any fiction books. Since this is something I really struggle with, I want to try to improve upon it. I will most likely use the 30 minutes to read Wine Spectator or a self-help book.
- Keep clutter off counters
- I hate having clutter on the kitchen counters, yet it always ends up there. Mail, books, magazines, etc. Why does it always end up there? I am putting an end to this in 2018. Everything will have a home and it won’t be on my kitchen counter.
- Stop complaining
- No explanation needed. Just stop complaining.
- Yoga once a week
- Since I go to Orangetheory 5-6 times per week, I need to mix in more stretching and yoga on the off days. Every now and then, I will end up with an injury because I hardly ever make the time to stretch. I think yoga will help with the stretching and it will also help to slow down and meditate for a few minutes.
- Monday reset
- Every Monday, we are cutting out alcohol. I don’t want to be the person that drinks every day of the week. In addition to the no drinking, we will be cleaning the house every Monday night that we are home.
- Eat at home more
- We go out to eat A LOT. I would say we go out for dinner 3-4 times a week on average. It is hard when I work from home because I really want to get out of the house after being cooped up all day. My goal is to limit the meals out to 2 times a week.
- Floss every other day
- I know I won’t floss every day, so I am thinking every other day might be more manageable. Does anyone actually enjoy flossing?
- Redo website
- My website is in need of a major overhaul! I have lots of ideas, but I just need to sit down and put them into practice.
- Increase engagement and make the blog more of a community
- I could write and entire post about this one, but I will try to summarize what I mean in a few sentences. I genuinely love interacting with people on social media. I have met several friends through Instagram, and I love answering people’s questions. Instead of focusing on number of followers or likes, I want to focus on engaging with my current followers. I want to learn more about all of you and how I can better serve you through my blog. I started my blog because I wanted a place to share all of the things I love (travel, home decor, recipes, etc.). I want to keep sharing all of that in hopes to inspire others.
- Post at least once a week
- It is tough to manage a full-time career and the blog. I sometimes find myself struggling to even get a single post up. Ideally, I would love to post 2-3 times a week. Some weeks, that works. Some weeks, that doesn’t. This year, I am going to commit to blogging once a week!
- Inbox zero every day
- I don’t like things lingering in my inbox. My inbox is basically my to-do list at work. I am pretty good about this now, but I sometimes leave a couple e-mails in my inbox at the end of the day. Every e-mail needs a “home”, and it shouldn’t be the inbox. It should either go in a follow-up folder, be acted upon immediately, or turned into a task/project.
- Continuing education for PMP certification
- I received my PMP (Project Management Professional certification) a couple of years ago, so I need to complete some continuing education requirements to maintain this certification. I am always eager to learn more about project management, so I am excited to spend some time on this!
That’s a brief glimpse at a few of my overarching goals for this year! I plan to set monthly goals as well, so be sure to check back in next month to see what February as in store.
What are your goals for 2018? What is going to be your main focus this year?
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