How is it already the last day of May? This month really did fly by! We had a great month filled with travel, family and tons of pool time. I am looking forward to a lot more pool time this summer – it is going to be a hot one!
I know several people that love to read books while they sit by the pool, so I was feeling inspired to do the same this summer. I am a terrible reader, and it is something that I have always struggled with. Most books don’t engage me, and then I end up giving up after a couple chapters. I decided that I want to try to change my ways this summer and read a few books.
Below are 5 books that I want to try to finish by the end of the summer. Honestly, I’ll be happy if I can finish them but the end of the year!
What is on your summer reading list? Do we have any books in common? I would love to hear your book recommendations, so leave a comment down below with one more book I should add to my list!
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