Today, I am sharing my 10 new goals for June! If you didn’t know, I like to set 10 new goals for myself each month. You can read more about that and my May Goals here.
Some of my goals are the same from last month because I did not complete them. 🙁 Life happens, plans change, we get sick (in my case strep throat).
We all have setbacks, but despite those setbacks, we have to keep pushing to reach our goals! I am excited for a new month and a chance to reset yet again.
Here are my 10 June Goals:
- Read a Book!! For real this time.
- Run at least 50 miles in June (Only reached 34 in May)
- Complete Whole30.
- Note: I still plan on having a few glasses of red wine here and there. I don’t think it is realistic to cut this out completely.
- Complete 20 workout classes at Define.
- No shopping.
- Note: Home improvement projects don’t count.
- Try something new in Houston or The Woodlands.
- Floss TWICE per day.
- I have a dentist appointment in July and want to impress.
- Plan small weekend getaway with Alex.
- Some Ideas: Galveston, San Antonio/Hill Country, New Orleans
- Complete our Outdoor Patio/Outdoor Living area and blog about it!
- Buy rollerblades and start rollerblading!
Some of these may seem silly or simple, but it is what I wanted to focus on for this month! I always like to mix in some fun goals (rollerblading) with some more serious goals (running and Whole30).
Also, I keep having to repeat, “Read a Book” because I keep failing at it. I don’t enjoy reading, but I know I need to do it.
What are some of your goals for this month? Does anyone else struggle with reading books?
I love reading… so I don’t have that problem, but I have a few book suggestions! The girl on the train was fast paced and intriguing. I just started Everything I never told you and so far it’s has a really interesting mix of back stories and charactera. I’d also recommend Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver which is a quick YA read. Or Fangirl by rainbow Rowell because it’s set at a UNL 🙂
Oh awesome! Thanks for the recommendations 🙂 I have heard good things about the girl on the train!
I love that you are setting these goals. Inspiring to do some of my own. On the rollerblading, based on your moms history and your moms best friends history, I would think twice on this. I broke my tailbone and Carol had a compound fracture of her wrist, ending her career. Too dangerous. How about improving your golf game? Love, Mom
That is good to know. Maybe I won’t be taking up rollerblading after all. I have seen quite a few people in the neighborhood doing it, so it seems popular down here. I do need to work on the golf game. We should take advantage of the free course in the neighborhood.